Yesterday evening, I went to pick up my latest shipments, which arrive a while ago. After a two and a half hour driving trip there and back, 2 re-issue PVCs, a Dead Master nendoroid, and a box of K-ON! puchi nendoroid trading figure are obtained.
It's quite a shame, really, that shipments to my place are so slow, it takes at least 1 month for new released figures to arrive. To top it off, customs (and their taxes, of course) are a pain, and the postal/delivery handling are so-so at best. Actually, there are other options for faster shipment, such as direct online orders or express shipment services. But, we all know that this option is only for the filthy rich. Sadly, I can't afford that kind of money.... yet.
The above, my friends, result in anxiety and unrest when waiting for shipments - and rage when you find damages on your box / figures due to sluggish handling. I sure wish I was born in Japan. And I think many of us thought alike.
These are the snapshots of the new arrivals:
Dead Master Nendoroid |
Here's the Dead Master Nendoroid. Her face is a bit too pointy - especially her nose. But hey, that's quite befitting for a cute S-type character nendoroid, rii~ght? Right!
The K-ON! Nendoroid Puchi Trading Figure Box Set |
The Opened Box |
This set has 12 variants in all. 5 (1 for each of the band members) for their school uniform, 6 for their swimsuit getup (Azusa gets 2 - a normal version and a tanned version), and 1 secret variant.
The Secret Variant |
While I was opening the boxes, I thought that the secret variant is Ui, Yui's ever-so-dependable little sister. Well, that's usually what the manufacturers do, anyway. But, it's actually Mio! She comes in a maid outfit, doing her famous Moe☆Moe☆Kyun♡ pose. How wonderful! Nice job, GSC! Thumbs up to them, for making this box worth waiting. Oh, and good news for those who wondered about the contents - If you buy the whole 12-pieces box, you're guaranteed to get every variant, including the secret!
1 comment:
This box looks super cool! :D
How much did it cost you?
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